สถาบันวิปัสสนาธุระ มจร



Vipassana 101 aims at the beginners who start having interest in Insight Meditation. It can be anyone who does not know anything at all about Vipassana, or Insight Meditation, or anyone who has heard about Vipassana, or Insight Meditation, but does not have a clear understanding of what Vipassana is and how to start practicing Vipassana.

The size of this book may encourage those who have never had any background on Vipassana to be able to read and finish it in a short time. The job of this book is to jump start your practice in the shortest time. Or if you have previously started practicing Vipassana a little bit but are still confused, you will be able to adjust your point of view towards Vipassana differently from the general beliefs. That is to transform something extroverted to be something introverted, from difficulty to ease, from stress to comfort, from being a burden to toying, from doubt to understanding, and from complexity to simplicity. It will be to the point of beginning to glimpse into what Vipassana practitioners, either in monasteries or in the forest, have experienced, before you even take your eyes off these pages.

Even though the mission of this book is as mentioned above, please understand that the book itself is not capable of making the readers become Vipassana practitioners through reading any lines of this book. But be assured that once you truly understand ‘Vipassana,’ even if you do not expect anything, you will come to experience the miraculous calmness. Even without any thirst, you will get to experience the singular taste of peace.

Just to be able to remain calm amidst chaos and agitated stimuli environment, it can be considered a major change of your life, isn’t it?


March 2004

